August 25, 2009

as if it has snowed
in midsummer

August 20, 2009

The art of art,
the glory of expression
and the sunshine of the light of letters,
is simplicity.

Walt Whitman

I adore simple pleasures.
They are the last refuge of the complex.

Oscar Wilde

August 18, 2009

Staring out
The sky is blue
A beautiful site
That comes into gaze
The sun starts setting
The sky is ablaze
A myriad of colors
Comes into sight
The horizon is glowing
I don't want the night
To come so quickly

August 13, 2009

Joy is not just a feeling or emotion
Joy is the pleasure of life
Life in itself cannot be life without Joy
Life is hard, but Joy can overcome
Joy gives you wings to live another day
Taken from Joy by Jake Erkens

August 10, 2009

My eyes closed
feeling the sun going down
hearing the kittens playing
Now my eyes closed tight
for a little nap time

August 06, 2009

Here at the top of the world
feeling alright
here at the top of the world
doing just fine
here at the top of the world
looking around
Feeling on top of the world

August 04, 2009

The shiny light shaking upon the water
the mild sound of tapping waves against the shore
The plane of the water is like a page
on which a poem is written by a little boat
and erased again by time